Things to know about Health and well-being coach


Here you know all about Health coach

In the spirit of the definition of the WHO, health coach offers an integrative approach that addresses the whole person and takes into account the different dimensions of his life. For example physical, emotional, mental, social, professional, spiritual, and environmental areas.

Health and wellness coach do not focus on diagnosing and treating illnesses, which is what the doctor does. It deals with the non-medical dimensions of health.

Where medicine is centered on illness and its treatment, Wellness Coaching is centered on the person. He offers them support which consists of modifying certain aspects of their lifestyle, to set up new habits of health and well-being, in a sustainable manner.

As such, it finds its place in complementarity with the fields of action which are those of the classic actors of the world of health.

The Health Coach

Health and wellness coach is a professional who trained in coaching and then specialized in the applications of this approach to the fields of health and well-being. Its fields of intervention are that of psychological and behavioral support for the person. Its role is to help the latter to set itself concrete objectives in the field of its health and well-being and to mobilize the practical means which will enable it to achieve the chosen objectives. Beyond circumstantial objectives, the support of a Wellness Coach also allows the supported person to build a life project that is rich for them and meaningful, by their values ​​and their deep aspirations.

The psychological and behavioral support provided by a Health and wellness coach allows the people concerned to enrich their quality of life, from where they start.

A Health and Well-being Coach accompanies his clients on themes relating to health and well-being and more generally on everything related to their development. It helps them make lifestyle changes and put in place behaviors and habits that are beneficial for their health and balance. It offers them an integrative approach that takes into account the different dimensions of their life.

The public concerned

The audience for Health and Well-being Coaching spreaded over a wide continuum, which goes, from one end to people with chronic diseases, to the other end, to people in perfect health, who wish to remain so and who are in a process of personal development.

To each, Health and wellness coach offers a tailor-made path, the purpose of which is to enrich their quality of life and optimize their potential.

The International Health and Well-being Coaching Federation

The international wellness coaching federation is a non-profit association that brings together professionals specializing in health and well-being coaching.

The general frame of reference for Health Coach

The Federation subscribes to the definition of health set out by the WHO:

World Health Organization. 1948

In this spirit, it supports and promotes an integrative approach that addresses the person as a whole and takes into account the different dimensions of his life. For example physical, emotional, mental, social, professional, spiritual, and environmental.


The purpose of the Federation is to:

  • Promote Wellness Coaching to the public and the institutions concerned.
  • Contribute to the structuring and development of this new profession of Wellness Coaching. Position it about the various players in the world of health and well-being.
  • Foster the development of the skills of its members by rallying to a quality charter and by engaging in a continuous training process.
  • Help the members of the association in the development of their professional activities.
  • Publish a directory of certified professionals.
  • Carry out any action, event, or project related to the points presented above.


In the future, each benefits from the services of a Health and wellness coach who accompanies them throughout their lives and helps them to:

  • Take care of your health and vitality.
  • Lead a life as balanced and fulfilling as possible.
  • In the medical institutional framework, the Wellness coach is positioned as the reference interlocutor who finds his place within an integrated approach. He also facilitates the whole process on the practical, psychological, and behavioral levels.
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