Author: Mohsin Ahsan

Why You Need Homeowner Insurance

Homeowner insurance is an important investment that can provide many valuable benefits. Some key benefits of homeowner insurance include protection against property damage, financial support in an accident or injury, and coverage for liability claims.  Whether you are buying your first home or updating your existing policy, getting the right homeowner insurance will help protect […]

Preventive care for endocrine disorders

Our endocrine system produces hormones that regulate our day-to-day bodily functions. For example, it influences our growth, moods, sexual functions and metabolism. Therefore, any imbalance caused by genetic, dietary or other external factors can cause disorders and an array of symptoms which can disrupt the regular functioning of our bodies. Diabetes is India’s most common […]

Cyber resilience requires the board and the CISO to be aligned

A recent Deloitte study disclosed that a meager 38% of Chief Executive Officers and 23% of board members were “highly engaged” in the subject. This isn’t surprising—business executives and corporate directors have long perceived cybersecurity as highly cryptic. Sadly, most executives are only forced to participate in cyber resilience by a damaging cyber breach.  Meanwhile, regulators keep tightening pressure on corporate directors to ensure their cyber governance mechanisms are […]

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