Author: Mohsin Ahsan

Why Human Resource Management is important in the corporate world post-COVID?

COVID-19 has altered the entire world, and we will not see anything like it again for a longer period of time. Although some nations are making progress, others have been dealing with an increase in instances. Businesses were forced to digital transformation journey, often without warning, in order to keep their workers secure and allow […]

7 of the Biggest Challenges When Sourcing Products Globally

In recent years, sourcing products from all over the world has become very popular with entrepreneurs and business owners due to a few big factors: lower costs, faster production times, and potentially higher profit margins. Unfortunately, while some aspects of this practice are easy and beneficial, others can be challenging or even downright dangerous if […]

How can logistics courses help in today’s business?

Every company controls business logistics, irrespective of their industrial sector, history, structure, or expertise. Companies have the option of handling all aspects of company logistics in-house or outsourcing operational disciplines to a third-party platform provider. These professionals are more efficient than retaining all commercial logistics in-house, based on the type of your merchandise, the size […]

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