Falling hair is frightful for any person, be it female or male. And getting replaced it with natural-looking hair is something everybody wants who is dealing with hair fall. Hair plays an important role when it comes to personality and appearance of the person.
Hair fall or less hair ultimately increase a person’s look 10 to 20 years than their actual age. But now you don’t worry as there is an option of hair transplant all over the globe. But you can get the best services and result of transplant in India. Get the cheapest hair transplant cost in India.
Get to know about the expectations and recovery
After the hair transplant, your scalp needs to be taken mild care. The doctor or the expert may tell you to keep the scalp cover for at least two or three days depending on the individual case. The expert may also tell you about some guidelines to undertake for some days to get better results.
According to a study the patient can return to their normal working days just after 2 days. The transplanted hair may fall for 2-3 weeks but you will notice the growth in a few weeks. This is the best way to stop your hair fall and get back another batch of strong and healthy hair. Don’t worry about the treatment cost, get the cheapest hair transplant cost in India.
Choose from various transplant technique
There is mainly three hair transplant technique which will help you to get back the smooth and natural hair. Some of them are listed down:
Follicular unit transplant (FUT)
This is the oldest hair transplant technique which is used by the experts. In this technique, the expert removes the thin skin of the back of the head by a surgery. The hair follicles then are separated into individuals by the experts and after that, the donor area is stitched back together.
Follicular unit extraction (FUE)
In this technique, the hair follicle or group of a hair follicle is removed by the expert in the circular cut. This technique leaves tiny open holes in the scalp through which new hair grows and proper manner. FUE scars are rarely visible.
Direct hair implantation (DHI)
This is the most advanced hair transplant method. In this technique, the experts remove the hair follicles from the donor area one after one with the help of very fine extractor which has a diameter of 1mm or less. DHI is only done by the certified surgeons, not by the technicians, which perform FUI and FUE. After this the hair is placed on the treatment area, the full control is on the hand of the surgeon over depts., angles and direction to provide the patient with the best and natural results.
So if you dealing with the hair loss for any reason get your look back and enhance your personality with the help of the hair transplant. All the hair transplant methods and techniques are affordable by your pocket, Get the cheapest hair transplant cost in India with the best results.