Things to do on a road trip with friends in summers before university


This is it you’re done with high schools and you’re off to college but before that, you have one summer i.e. 60 days to spend with your high school crew. While you must be sure that you won’t lose touch but getting a chance to go on a road trip might be almost impossible.

  • So to make the best use of these days go on a road trip. It can be a month; week or weekend-long but you definitely must do it.

Here are a few things you can do to make that trip memorable

  • Take photographs

I am sure I did not need to tell you that but having a camera for taking photographs would be a good idea.  Try to document your trip as much as you can. These will be your life long memories so make sure they’re as beautiful as you can make them. 

  • Research 

If you have decided on a city, state, or a village, try to gather information on things that you can do there. For instance, the activities you can do, the food places you can visit, the parties and everything.

  • Plan your budget 

Now you all are still students and not earning so much yet. Hence it is a good idea to set on a certain budget in which everyone will contribute. Allocate one person to hold the money meanwhile to spend the money will be a joint decision. 

  • Make your bookings 

Make plans but not rigid ones, you should be certain of things like where you would be staying and for how much time. What you will be doing each day can be planned but makes those plans to be flexible. If you are staying in a different place checking the hotels in each place (make bookings on the right ones) and also check the motels you will be hitting on the way. You might need to stay in motels during the night if you are driving to a place that is more than a day’s drive away. 

  • Play games in the car 

Listening to songs in the car on road trips can often get boring so to keep your spirits alive until you reach the place you can play car games. They can be something like Silly Willy or name the song (you can alternate b/w radio and aux cable connected to a different phone. 

  • Take on adventures 

If you are off to an adventurous place then try to take some experiences in and do things you normally won’t. For instance, if you haven’t gone on ski diving or zip-lining you should do that. These experiences will bring you out of your comfort zone and help you come out a different person then you were before. Doing this with your best friend will make this much more special. 

  • Nightlife 

Whichever city you live in you must go to the nightclub or the bars. If one of you is underage then you can easily get a fake id made here FakeIDtop. So better pack up your best dresses and all the glitzy makeup you have in your dresser. 

  • Try new food 

Traveling is all about experiencing new things then why not do that with food too? Instead of just eating the fast food which you usually do, eat the cultural food of the places you visit. Think of just all the different species and the different blends of them you will get to experience. 

  • Take the time to talk 

During the trip take some moments where you and your friends sit together, talk about plans, life, and other things. This will make your bond stronger and help you hold on to things when things get tough. Also, if you see any problems arising because of different opinions on the trip try to communicate with each other calmly rather than fighting or being resentful. Trips are fun but they also become complicated faster than ever. 

Despite all the problems (if they do come on your trip), the efforts will be worth it and you will laugh on the silly matters you quarreled for. Go with an open mind and an easy-going personality. We hope you have fun and cherish the memories of this trip. 

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