Honda 2.3 Outboard For Sale: How Did The Technology Shaped Over The Years

How Did The Technology Shaped Over The Years

Those of us who share the love of sailing, going to the water, whether on the river, fishing in the sea or taking our family to a lake for a walk, we know that a quality outboard motor is necessary to get the best out of the good life in the water.

Honda has spent decades polishing and perfecting its reputation for reliability, low operating cost, and reliability. Few would not agree that they have secured the status of “most favored” provider in all their efforts involving engines. Honda’s first efforts began with motorcycles, with which they became world champions. Most memorably, for those of us in the 1960s.

The first Honda outboard engine was introduced about 50 years ago in 1964. This happened at a time when Japanese engineers had already mastered the art of balancing engine components, based on their experience in motorcycle and automotive engineering. It was an art that Europe took to copy and cost Europe the loss of much prestige and thousands of jobs.

The range of Honda 2.3 outboard for sale begins with the small engine of 2 CV until the impressive unit of 250 CV. They all share the same 4-stroke clean burning technology. Engines of 40HP and above will put a decent-sized boat on the plane quickly. This is due to the introduction of Honda’s Blast ™ technology. The most efficient way to put any boat on the plane is to do it quickly. The Blast ™ technology advances the ignition and provides additional fuel that provides a small burst of energy to achieve just that. As the front of the boat moves away from the water, the onboard engine management system detects that less power is required and returns to the economical operating mode.

Before making a decision about buying a Honda 2.3 outboard for sale, you should carefully observe the technology used. Say, for example, that you decide you need the power of a six-cylinder outboard. It’s fine but thinks about it for a moment. Do you need six cylinders all the time? The answer is, no doubt, no, no, I do not. When leaving the marina, maneuvers and moored vessels do not require six cylinders. Who wants a six-cylinder fuel bill just for the sake of it? No sir! Honda’s I-VTEC ™ system is very special in this regard. The variable cylinder management system can detect light and medium loads. In conditions of light load, it can go from being a V6 to a direct 3, the great thing is that, but there is more. Under medium load conditions, you can change to a V4! All this is very smart and you will save a lot of money on fuel and you will not even realize what is happening!

On the other hand, is the low horsepower range. The Honda range is extended in horsepower to cover the type with the canoe, until reaching the police and the port authorities and beyond. Do not be fooled by the humble 2.3 “horse”. It has a massive torque for its size, it is incredibly light and, in terms of pollution, it is light years away from two-stroke engines of similar size. Two blows burn a mixture of gasoline and oil, and the residue runs out in the water. The four-stroke engines do not need oil mixed with the fuel, so the contamination is negligible in comparison.

Honda’s four-stroke engine range is technologically magnificent. Honda really took a risk by staying with four-stroke designs instead of taking advantage of cheaper, but more polluting two-stroke systems. This is where the true story of the Honda outboard begins.

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