What Are The Things To Do In Kashmir?


When you hear “Kashmir” then the first and foremost thing that comes in your mind is snow and chilly climate right? Of course, this place will give you exciting and unforgettable memories. If you get to this place through Kashmir tour packages then you will be able to enjoy much better. You can witness several numbers of tourists on this place irrespective of the time and climate. Here you will see a lot more spots that give you a pleasurable experience.

Alongside activities that make you stun are present here. Whenever you reach this paradise you ought to do all those activities for sure.

  1. Shikara ride:

Most relaxing and soothing ride is you choose Shikara then you will get to know the beauty of Kashmir. The place called Srinagar suits well for this ride. Really you never ever forget this ride because it is highlighted with so many spots, gardens, market and many more. you will be like a king/queen and can stare at all the things in the wooden boat.

The reason why Shikara means you will find some time to sit relax and enjoy the things surrounded by you.

  1. River rafting:

As in general Kashmir has so many numbers of crystal clear lakes. As like that rivers are also captivating one here. So going for the river rafting is awesome and you will enjoy riding on the flowing water. Really it’s adventurous and you will get bored in any of the situations because its completely exciting and will make you get freak for sure.

This particular activity becomes famous in Kashmir because it will give goose bump to all the riders. Thus you ought to experience it even at once.

  1. Jeep Safari:

If you want to explore the adorability of natural life of Kashmir you need to choose Jeep Safari. When you go on a jeep safari then you will get the topography. It will help you to show the beauty of the forest in a convenient way. by means of choosing this safari, you will see the hidden and mysterious beauty of Himalayas and Kashmir. If you are lucky enough then you see some of the animals on your way.

  1. Houseboat:

This one takes Kashmir tourism to the next level. As mentioned before Kashmir is the place for lakes. You will see many more numbers of lakes such as Dal Lake, Nagin Lake and then many more. Also in the middle of so many lakes, these two are the adorable and beautiful one. It is available with eye-catchy sights so houseboat on this lake is really worth.

  1. Pilgrimage:

If you are a devotional person then Kashmir is the place of Pilgrimage. There are plenty of temples, sacred shrines and many more places are available. On all these places you can witness the spirituality. Even you are a general tourist have a visit to the famous temples and other holy places in Kashmir tour packages to have mixed tripping experience.

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