Tips for Buying Drugs Safely on the Net

Buying Drugs Safely on the Net

Buying prescription medicines on the net can be at many times, more convenient and often, less expensive manner to stock up on drugs you use regularly. In case your insurance plan includes a prescription benefit, you will be entailed to co-pay, wherever you shop.

But in case, you pay for your own prescription, or require a drug not covered by an insurance plan, you can save a lot of money by shopping from an online pharmacy. For this, you must shop around and ensure that you well being and health are not compromised by toxic or counterfeit drugs.

Use the following tips to purchase online medicine so that you save money and get access to genuine drugs:

  • Shop For Various Options:

There are many websites which offer information when you are searching for the drugs you require and you can compare the prices at numerous online pharmacies. But do not be convinced that online prices will be lower than prices in the local pharmacy. There will be wide variations in pricing between online stores, pharmacy chains, single stores etc. You may have to compare with different shops and sites.

  • Ensure Legitimacy Of Store:

You must check whether the online store makes available a licensed pharmacist to clear your doubts. Also, the site must require a prescription from your doctor or any such authorized medical professional. This can be faxed by your doctor before the legitimate online drug store will send you your medicines. Check out the website for particular instructions.

  • Use Licensed Pharmacy:

Ideally you must do business from a licensed pharmacy. License may be provided by globally recognized organizations like FDA (Food and Drug Authority) or ISO 9001: 2015. License is proof of authenticity of online drug stores.  Certification is an important indicator of authenticity of the pharmacy.

  • Make Advanced Plans:

You have to wait at least 2 weeks usually for processing of your prescription. When you don’t get your medicines on time, you may require a fill-in, which may have to be born out-of- pocket. This is because most prescription plans will not pay for doses apart from the amount prescribed

  • Beware Of Foreign Pharmacies:

It is quite risky to buy medicines form pharmacies of foreign base. There is danger of buying toxic or counterfeit medicines from online stores which do not have an Indian license.


Here are some benefits of buying drugs from online pharmacy;

  • Consumers can order medicines from the comfort of their homes from online site for buying medicines.
  • They can avail of free delivery.
  • Such pharmacies can cater to clients far and wide.
  • Customers have the chance to save money. Several research studies have revealed that one can save substantial amount of money (almost 1/3 rd) on medicines when bought online. Buyers can find best prices at online stores.
  • Online stores are very convenient because they are one-stop shops for buying a variety of products. Buyers get the chance to compare prices prior to place orders at online stores.
  • It is easier get hold of written product information at websites rather than in traditional drug stores in your locality.
  • Most online stores have a procedure for drug approval. They need prescription from a physician or the consumer to fill up a questionnaire before offering medication prescribed. This questionnaire is reviewed by a doctor before dispatch of drugs.

These are some aspects about buying medicines from online stores.

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