Is Kratom Addictive? Everything You Need to Know About This Powerful Plant

Kratom is one of the most contentious plants available today. Many kratom users tout it as a miracle herb responsible for keeping them opiate free. Many others think of it as a harmful drug and an irresponsible way to solve addiction.

But what’s the real scoop on kratom? Is kratom addictive, and what does it actually do for an opiate addict? Here’s what you need to know.

What Is Kratom?

Kratom, or mitragyna speciosa, is a type of tree that grows in Thailand. Its leaves are used for medicinal purposes, as they mimic the effects of opioids in the brain. Mitragyna speciosa is in the same family as coffee and holds some similar effects.

The effects more-so resemble opiates, though.

Kratom is all-natural. By eating, brewing, or smoking the leaves, a user experiences similar effects as opiates in a safer way. Because of this, kratom is frequently used to ween opioid addicts off dangerous drugs.

Kratom is very accessible, and legal for purchase in most places. Websites like The Kratom Connection sell it in pill form and powder form.

If you take kratom at a high dose, it’ll make you sleepy and euphoric. If you take it at a low dose, you’ll be stimulated and energized. This is just one of the things that make kratom especially unique.

Is Kratom Addictive?

The biggest area of contention surrounding kratom is its addictive qualities. The last thing an addict wants to do is replace their current opioid addiction with another. Even if that new substance is safer, it’s still something they have to rely on.

Unfortunately, kratom does have the potential for addiction. Some people claim they have trouble getting off of it once they’ve started.

People trying to quit kratom might experience withdrawal symptoms similar to opioid withdrawal. These include:

  • Trouble sleeping
  • Irritability
  • Fevers
  • Diarrhea
  • Nervousness
  • Mood Swings

Like with any drug, your brain gets used to taking kratom and doesn’t handle it well when you stop. This is why many doctors are cautious when it comes to recommending kratom to opioid addicts.

While kratom is addictive, though, the jury is still out on whether you can overdose on it. There have been multiple deaths where kratom was found in the person’s system. However, in most of these cases, other drugs were also found.

It’s unlikely kratom was the leading factor in these overdoses.

Should Kratom Be Avoided?

While not a perfect solution, kratom has helped countless opioid addicts get clean. Some people are able to make the switch over to kratom and then ween themselves off of it into a healthy lifestyle. Every person reacts to drugs differently, and there’s no telling who will get addicted.

But if you’re asking, “Is kratom addictive?” the only true answer is yes.

Generally, other methods of treatment should be attempted before going to kratom. If you’re considering kratom, ask a doctor first. They’ll know best whether kratom is the right next step for you.

For more content on kratom, marijuana, and beyond, check out the rest of our blog. Contact us with any comments or questions.

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