Innovating Leaders of the Future & the COVID Crisis


COVID pandemic has affected the employment opportunities for the youth and fresh graduates out of the college in a highly adverse manner. One in six young individuals is not finding jobs, all credit to the ongoing economic crisis led by corona disease. At present, around 178 million young people are employed across business sectors that have been hit fairly hard by the virus spread. All of these professionals are facing fears of layoffs, and out of 178 million, 131 million are employed in an informal way.

As per COVID-19 Risks Outlook Report – the most likely adversity that will emerge out of the ongoing pandemic will be high degrees of structural unemployment among the youth, with 49.3% of risk-analysis experts agreeing to the same. 43.8% believed that youth unemployment will emerge as an area of global worry amid the COVID crisis.

Youth Worldwide Has Been Badly Affected by the Pandemic

Globally, the pandemic has had a devastating impact on the employment opportunities for youth as the COVID-led economic crisis adversely disrupted youth education programs, their jobs, income, and more importantly, it restricted their entry in the job markets. For the young individuals and teenagers pursuing their higher studies, the pandemic is going to make things even worse in the times to come, if things go the same way, as what it is ritenow.

The world has got more young people than ever before who will drive new ideas, innovations, and technologies of the future. They will be the crucial members of the global society that will lead the change going forward. The innovating leaders of the future are going to be the present youth who is striving hard to come out of the adversities of the ongoing crisis that is blocking their path of professional success.

All vital economic transformations in process, will in future, be headed by the skilled youth of today. Young people will soon be the front lines across economies in driving futuristic changes across business sectors, such as developing automation, AI, maintaining climate control, digitalization, exploring the space, among others. Hence, it becomes our responsibility to empower them by helping them become optimally skilled at what they like to do.

Edvantic – The World’s Education Company

Have you ever thought of what empowers the youth the most to execute on any kind of constructive work? It’s the education and knowledge! And edvantic empowers them to gain just that, the world-class higher education and knowledge of disruptive and advanced technologies driving global business functions.

Edvantic is among the world’s leading organizations that caters to the education needs of diverse sectors, comprising K-12 education for young students, globally-recognized higher education credentials for university and college goers, and industry-relevant professional certifications for the people in the workforce. Edvantic has got education solutions of global standards for anyone and everyone.

Conclusion: Upskilling for the Future is Key to Keeping Relevant

The future of work will demand one thing for sure from the youth, which is diverse skillset. Currently, we are fighting a great workforce challenge, which is the large skills gap among young employees across the global economies. Skills-proofing is the only solution out there for the youth to subscribe to. The speed at which the business and the technologies associated are changing, would lead to higher expectations by the recruiters from the candidates in terms of skillset.

Technologies are evolving fast, and so is the business landscape across industries, and that is what demands for a constant updation in the skillset from the youth.  Hence, it’s highly advisable to the current youth worldwide to not to lose hope amid the pandemic, as some day or the other, it will come to an end and the things will go back to the normal. The job markets will revive, and then, only the ones skilled at what they do, will be hired.

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