How To Write A Good Essay

essay writting

An essay, generally written in prose, is a metaphysical, scientific, journalistic or critical sketch. Develops openly the definition of a phenomenon or analysis of an issue. Exposes the author’s perspective. Love for a beautiful and original way of contact characterizes it. Find out here to know more tips about cheap essay writing.
In the literary tradition, you will find many types of essays with different compositions, dealing with different topics.

Four types of essays can be distinguished

philosophical essay

scientific essay

journalistic essay

critical essay – devoted to the art

When browsing the pages of the history of literature, you will also come across many works that have an essayistic character, but essays are no longer included. Many novels can have a narrative shaped like that. The presence of fiction and too large sizes are the main reasons for not including them in essays.


Get more ideas about the topic and start your writing


Write down all the questions that come to your mind regarding this topic. In all this, be open to your mind, allow yourself several options, answers, solutions. For every option allowed, book a column in the table, place it on the page or page where you will take notes in a moment.

Then enter in any order

  • all authors, all books (paintings, music), heroes and quotes that you could use in every previously allowed option,
  • philosophical, mental, literary, artistic trends that you associate with a given possibility
  • historical and biographical context,
  • Also, think about the possible motto for your work, listing all incoming examples.


In the first stage, discard used, uninteresting examples from this multitude, in this way they will be the most valuable, the most interesting and the most relevant.

Then try to see the connections between individual texts, examples, and heroes. Mark them with arrows connecting related elements and briefly describe the nature of the analogy seen between them.

As a result of these operations, one concentric or polycentric map can be created, and even several mental maps). Look for the stars. These texts, contexts, and examples that combine with the largest number of others are great for organizing larger integrals at work (e.g. chapters). Others will refer to them.

Consider whether these few perspectives that you have adopted can not be combined so that everything is a developed homogeneous whole. If one of them does not fit into the emerging concept of work and is poorer than the other, if it seems unnecessary to you – reject it.


It is time to deepen your knowledge of each culture text mentioned earlier. Recall its contents, read the various reviews and collide them with your views: with which do you agree and with which not? Maybe it is worth using these positions? Complete the map with new cards (one for each culture text) containing new information to expand your knowledge of them.

Do you have any new useful associations, thoughts, reflections, write them down.

Talk to competent people on topics that interest you, listen to what they have to say, if interesting information appears in the conversation, include it in your notes, if you challenge a view you cannot defend – reject it.

Read what has been written about this problem, what positions were taken. Respond to them. Think about what attitude you will take, how does it look against the background of tradition? Include all new, useful information on the mental map.


Collect all thoughts in relatively independent semantics (work on each separately), write them in terms of language, compose properly built paragraphs, give them titles and subheadings. Also, consider the use of keywords or leitmotiv that will increase the consistency of your work.

Read each article again, verify its compositional language correctness and title. Think again about the order of the paragraphs. To do this, use the mental map at the beginning.

Also, pay attention to whether the titles and headings form a meaningful and logical whole. Then rewrite the paragraphs in the correct order, ensuring consistency of work and not forgetting about subheadings.


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