How to build lightweight services in ASP.NET Core 6?


One of the most reliable and common programming languages that developers use for web development is ASP.NET. Did you know that 8.2% of all the websites have ASP.NET as their programming language? The wide range of benefits that you can gain from ASP.NET has contributed to why it is appealing for developers. However, in web development projects with ASP.NET core, building lightweight services is crucial. These services lack a template and consume lesser resources. Moreover, they display optimum performance too. But, for the best results, you need to Hire ASP.Net Developers

Develop an ASP.NET Core Web Project in Visual Studio 2022

It is possible to create lightweight services with ASP.NET Core 6. But, for that, you need to use Visual Studio 2022. If you have already installed it, you can follow the steps given below. And, if you have not, you need to download it right away.

How to Create an ASP.NET Core Web project in Visual Studio 2022?

First of all, you need to create an ASP.NET Core Web project in Visual Studio 2022. Take a look at the steps that you must follow –

Step 1: Open the Visual Studio 2022 IDE.

Step 2: Press “Create a new project.”

Step 3: After that, tap on “ASP.NET Core Web API”

Step 4: Select Next

Step 5: You will see a window – “Configure your new project.” There, state the name as well as the location of the project. 

Step 6: Apart from this, you also need to take a look at the “Place solution and project in the same directory” window and make your choice

Step 7: Press Next

Step 8: Observe the “Additional Information” window and then choose the .NET 6.0 option. Make sure that you select none in the Authentication Type box.

Step 9: In the checkboxes, uncheck these – “Enable Open API Support,” “Configure for HTTPS,” “Enable Docker.”

Step 10: Select Create

Lightweight Service in ASP.NET Core

There are different ways that you can build lightweight services in ASP.NET Core. One of them is the usage of the extensions in the IEndpointConventionBuilder interface. The various extension methods are –

  • MapGrpcServices
  • MapGet
  • MapHub
  • MapPost
  • MapControllers
  • MapPut
  • MapDelete
  • MapRazorPages

With MapPut, MapPost, MapGet, and MapDelete, developers can make the connection between the request delegate and the routing system. Apart from this, MapControllers is used for Controllers, MapGrpcServices is used for gRPC, MapRazorPages is used for RazorPages, and MapHub is used for SignalR.

With these extension methods, it is possible to create an HTTP Get endpoint with ease.

Another way that you can build lightweight services in ASP.NET Core is by using the Program Class. 

When developers create the new ASP.NET Core 6 Empty Project, there is no default creation of the Startup.cs file. Here, the developers can write the code in the Program.cs file to develop lightweight services. 

APIs or lightweight services do not need a template or controller class for their creation. That is why they can be developed in the program or Startup program.

But, for the best results, you need to Hire mvc development company

Tips For Recruiting The Best PHP Developers

There are numerous PHP developers in the market. You need to choose the best one for the development of reliable lightweight services in ASP.NET Core. That is why you must Hire certified ASP.Net Developers from CMARIX

  • Assess Knowledge and Expertise

First of all, you need to take a look at the knowledge prowess of the PHP developer. For that, knowledge related to PHP is not enough. Apart from that, the developer must also know other programming languages. Besides, you also need to note their experience in the field. 

The more work they have done in this field, the better is their capability to handle your project. Keep in mind that you are investing a significant amount in the developer. That is why you must attain the best developer for the job. Be sure before you make any decision to hire them. 

  • Check Out Their Work Samples

After that, you need to assess their previous work samples. It is an indication of how they work, the quality of their service, and what you can expect from them. If their last work matches your current project, you can relax. You already know how they work and their work ethics. 

Apart from this, you must also focus on communication skills. It is vital to make the project successful. For that, you need to make sure that you offer clear and concise demands. You must leave no scope for misinterpretation or loss of information. 

  • Ask Technical Questions

Before you make the decision to hire them, make sure that you ask some technical questions. Asking what PHP is or its benefits don’t make any sense. Even the students studying the programming language can answer this basic question. In order to gauge the technical skills of the developer, you must ask technical questions. 

For instance, you can ask – how to encrypt data and observe the answer. Also, note the way the professionals answer the question. It will give you an indication of the expertise of the individual. Their way of answering will provide you with the confidence to hire them.

  • Note Delivery Time and Charges

Lastly, you need to talk about charges and the time of delivery of the project. For that, firstly, you need to set up a realistic budget. Then, choose the one that falls within the price range that you can afford. However, it is vital to understand that you will get what you pay. 

Apart from this, you need to note the timeline of the delivery. It is vital that you choose the developer who can offer the project delivery within the discussed timeline. Delaying the project without any reason can cause further issues. That is why you need to be strict about the deadline and make sure that the developer delivers it on time. 


These are some of the ways that you can build lightweight services in ASP.NET Core. However, if you want excellent results, there is a need to hire a dedicated software development consulting firm. Expert developers have immense knowledge of the domain and can offer hassle-free services.

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