Author: Maan Saab

Launching App For Admissions To Colleges India

1st March 2020, New Delhi: Admissions24 is a website that is a one-stop destination for all information related to education in India. It covers all the details from preschool to university. This website is launching an Android and iOS app for students and their families on 8th March 2020. Thus, those aspiring for admission to […]

Cisplatino: precio en México y dónde comprarlo online

Si estás necesitando cisplatino para un tratamiento y debes comprarlo por tu cuenta, presta atención a este dato que te ayudará a ahorrar dinero: en farmacias online mexicanas puedes conseguir cisplatino inyectable a precio muy conveniente. Las farmacias convencionales tienen más gastos de funcionamiento que las virtuales, por eso estas últimas suelen tener muy buenas […]

Quick Tips on How to Become a Better Leader

Want to become a better leader? Wherever you live, there are probably a handful of organizations that offer leadership development courses. It’s a trend that has been the norm as the modern workplace continues to change and companies try out various approaches to increase productivity, participate its employees, and plan strategically. Here are 8 Quick […]

Laboratory Test for Reducing Sugars and Amines

Sugars that contain a free carbonyl group are known as reducing sugars. Sugars containing free aldehydes and ketone groups at their anomeric carbon atoms are known as reducing sugars. Reducing sugars include the monosaccharides like glucose, fructose and galactose, and the disaccharides maltose and lactose. Benedict’s test is the laboratory test for reducing sugars. Benedict’s […]

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