Author: admin

How iPad Technology Impacts on Business Prospects

Technology innovation mulled the industries process and plucked up from disparaging circumstances to a prosperous environment. Because of technology revolution where major transformation came into the different sectors as well as business procedures and the process has changed. It becomes the reason of remarkable invention not merely in businesses other sectors such as education, medical […]

The Amazing History, Culture & Geography of Dominica

Geography has played a crucial role in shaping history of Dominica. The rebel Caribs and mountainous terrain kept it safe from European grasp until the French planters and missionaries settled in 1635. In 1686, France and England fought to gain control of the island while repeatedly agreeing on relinquishing Dominica back to the Caribs. By […]

Making Sense of Strabismus

It stands to reason that the more complicated a system, the longer it takes to develop. That’s why our vision takes the first few years of our lives to reach maturity. By the age of 6 or 7, a child’s eyes should be able to focus on an object simultaneously, which is called convergence.   […]

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