Vitamin C For Better Health And Skin

Vitamin C For Better Health And Skin

When we speak about immunity, then the first thing that pops anyones’s head is vitamin C. During this coranavirus pandemic doctors and nutritionists from all around the world have encouraged the usage of vitamin C.

Be it in the form of foods or vitamin c tablets, this water soluble micronutrient has always played a huge role in uplifting your immunity, enhancing your beauty and improving your overall lifestyle. Usually 90mg of Vitamin C is recommended for men and 75mg of the same is recommended for women each day.

Foods that are best source of vitamin C:

  • Amla

  • Lemon

  • Kiwi

  • Orange

  • Broccoli

  • Cauliflower

  • Brussel sprouts

  • Capsicum

  • Papaya

  • Cantaloupe

  • Strawberries

Best Vitamin C supplements for enhancing overall health and skin:

  • HealthKart Vitamin C (500mg)

  • Healthvit C-Vitan Z Vitamin C and Zinc

  • Natures Velvet Vitamin C Tablets

  • TrueBasics Natural Vitamin C

  • bGREEN Citrus Vitamin C Immunity Powder by MuscleBlaze

  • MuscleBlaze Vitamin C (1000mg)

  • Natures Velvet Vitamin C (1000 mg)

  • INLIFE Natural Vitamin C Amla Extract for Immunity(1000mg)

Benefits of vitamin C :

  • Vitamin C supplements or foods are the best thing that you should be consuming if you want to make your body ready to fight infections.

  • Want lush black and shiny hair? Then you should be consuming vitamin C foods and supplements.

  • Are you tired of dandruff and tried using so many shampoos, still did not get the desired results? Then try applying lemon juice on your scalp and see the magic begin.

  • The UV rays and the hot summer can cause tanning problems and the best way to get rid of them is simply using vitamin C. Well! You can mix two to three tablespoons of lemon juice with honey and curd and apply it on your face. Wash it off after 15 minutes and you will notice a brightening glow on your face and body.

  • Want to get rid of those extra fat on your body and get a flat tummy? Then why don’t you drink a glass full of lukewarm water with honey and lemon squeezed into it. Drink it every morning and see how your body reacts in a positive manner.

  • Do you know that vitamin C can also help to heal your wounds quickly? Yes! Consumption of supplements or foods rich in vitamin C can help to improve the wound healing timing.

  • Vitamin C supplements and foods are too good for your heart. Wondering how? Well it helps to reduce the bad cholesterol levels and therefore supports cardiovascular health.

  • Vitamin C can also reduce your blood pressure levels.

  • Consume vitamin C foods along with iron tablets. Why? Well it will improve the iron absorption in the body and hence improve the hemoglobin levels in the body.

  • If you are suffering from uric acid, then you must consume vitamin c rich foods as it helps to control the acid levels in the body.

Conclusion: Vitamin C is one of the best vitamin source that is useful for both enhancing your beauty and health. Try to take the requisite dosage of the same every day to avoid any health issues, especially during this corona pandemic times.

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