4 Things You Should Know Before Investing In Solar Accessories for Your Home

If we go by the definition, it says that solar power is the only renewable source of energy that has got zero emission. It can be used in both domestic and industrial usage. Solar energy comes with a very low maintenance cost and can be harnessed using a variety of devices.

Coming to India’s solar scenes, the country has made a wonderful start in this sphere. In fact, after China, India is the only country where the world’s largest utility-scale solar projects are situated. Plus 5 out of the 10 largest solar parks under construction are in India.

Now coming to point of using this wonderful solar energy in our homes, not many of us have given it serious thought. So here we are to spill the beans-

Solar energy is not costly for your home

If you are thinking if solar energy is not good for your home, go check your electricity bills. In India, we get as many as 300 days of direct sunlight which is more than enough to lower our electricity bills and use the sun in more effective ways. Irrespective of the power supply conditions and even if you enjoy 24*7 power supply, solar energy is way more cost effective than electricity. Plus, reports say that installing solar energy is equivalent to investment.

Initially investing in solar accessories India may sound a pricey affair, but statistics show that people have actually decreased their expenditure when compared to the on-grid supply of electricity. Picture this: if you live in an Indian city, say Kolkata, if spend as many as Rs. 3000 per month on your electricity bill. However, with a primary investment of Rs. 1 lakh on your rooftop solar panel can save you up to 30 percent per annum on your total electricity bills.

Solar can do everything that electricity used to do

The lack of solar power understanding in India at an individual level is probably the only and biggest obstruction in the proliferation of solar energy in domestic uses. It was the days of past when solar energy was costly, was not meant for domestic uses, and often was unable to run the devices and electronic appliances which function via electric. But now, with best solar accessories online, one cannot take that as a hindrance.

Now commercial brands have introduced rooftop solar power systems which include photovoltaic panels or solar panels to convert sunrays into electricity; an inverter to act as an interface that has the ability to convert the power produced by the solar panel as electricity so that can be consumed by the household appliances. Batteries to store the generated solar electricity, and cable that ensure minimal loss of electricity being generated. Solar cable is not regular cable and it has to be UV protected, strong and long-lasting to stay away from any weather hazard. So are junction boxes, conduits and lightning arrestors which need proper installation for hassle-free functioning even if kept outdoors 24*7.

Sunlight is free and forever

Electricity is generated from fossil fuel which is definitely not infinite. And we are living in a time when fossil fuels are on the verge of drawing a conclusion, thanks to uncalculated usage by us humans. On top of it is the fact that the resource to generate this power is available to supply generations to come and in a very pocket-friendly costing.

Sunlight is free and is available a million years. So the generations to come never have to worry about the source of energy if we take the first steps now. Here’s a little reminder with the numbers to convince why sunrays are the only solution left: the world has 200 years’ worth of coal left, 45 years’ worth of Oil and 60 years’ worth of Natural Gas.

Solar is sustainable

This should definitely be the reason for the world to accept solar energy as the only source of energy in their domestic uses is that it is 100 percent sustainable. If compared to other sources of energies, we have had enough smoke, pollution, fumes, noise and what not! Solar is green. Yes, it is the only sustainable energy that does not pollute the world, instead makes it a better place to live.

Drawing the conclusion

So, does solar make sense? We bet you would fall short of reasons to not fall for solar. Who cannot love a sound investment into a sustainable, green future? An energy which is pollution free, and can reduce your carbon footprint to zero- what’s better than that! So when you are switching to solar?

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