4 Instagram and SEO Optimization Secrets for a Business

Instagram is undoubtedly a great social networking platform that is growing with each passing year, and currently, millions of users are on this platform. It has been observed that the brands that do not have anything flashy or a photo-driven initiative, are also getting involved with Instagram marketing. Christmas and New Year are soon approaching, and it is crucial for each and every brand to become more innovative and showcase their products in the best possible manner. This means that the creativity of the brands should be high as well. But for your customers to notice you, you need to be aware of certain SEO optimization secrets.

Given below is a list of the secrets that you can follow for Instagram SEO.

Use stories for personalizing brands

Instagram has introduced the story feature a few months back and this feature is widely being used by businesses all over the world for breathing life into their brands. When a brand posts regularly on Instagram, it tends to become flat. Posting four or five times a day makes you look spammy and infrequent posting is going to make you irrelevant. Instagram Stories is considered to be one of the best ways of spacing out your posts, and it further helps businesses to connect with their audience on a personal level. Businesses have the opportunities of making use of stories to show their audience the inside story of a brand.

Trying influencer marketing

Influencer marketing has allowed a lot of brands to meet success without struggling much. Influencers are basically the power users of Instagram, who have a huge follower base. Businesses should partner with the influencers who operate within a similar niche, and the influencer is going to promote the business in return. This helps in giving many recommendations in a smart and natural manner. This method is also referred to as native marketing, which provides an added advantage to the business. Users are also able to judge the credibility of the business. If you want, you can gain followers for Instagram by visiting reputed sites.

Using the business tools of Instagram

For most of the businesses, Instagram is about connecting with their audiences with the stories, photos, right filters, and much more. Most businesses also prefer paid advertising for promoting their business. It is true that all these things should definitely be a priority, but you should also utilize all those features that Instagram has specifically created for the businesses. These features will help you to view the metrics related to the different posts, and you will be able to decipher as to how the individual posts perform. This is the Instagram Insight, and it helps to understand the engagement, post shares, impression, reach of the individual posts, and more. According to www.wordstream.com, 60% successful brands use a similar filter for all the posts.

Hold contests

Hold contests and ensure that you are giving away prizes to the winners, and the prizes should be related to the services or products that you offer. This will ultimately help you to gain more followers for your business.


If you follow the secrets that have been mentioned here, you can be assured that you will be able to optimize your business perfectly.

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