Will artificial intelligence be everywhere in future?

artificial intelligence

Here are Some projects that prove that artificial intelligence will be everywhere in future

How much will our lives be turned upside down by artificial intelligence? The inverse magazine looked into the question and found some arguments to say that in just 10 years, artificial intelligence will be commonplace enough to be a part of every aspect of our lives.

The voice recognition built into all smartphones was just a test. In the next ten years, AI will make more progress than in the past 50 years. With innovations quickly applicable to business, politics, and our personal lives, the influence of AI will soon touch every facet of our lives. Here are 25 surprising innovations that prove that our lives and our society will soon be forever changed with the help of artificial intelligence training in Bangalore .


Cooking is perfectly suited to AI since it is all about knowing how to combine a list of ingredients in different ways and different dosages. Products like Hello Egg not only make it easier to find and make recipes but also to monitor your eating habits to eat healthier. Certainly, some experiments involving AI in the design of meals have not been conclusive, but let’s not forget that IBM has in the meantime taken up the subject and that Chef Watson will not be short of new ideas.

 Go shopping

It’s not quite ready yet, but Amazon’s idea of ​​making in-store shopping less complicated than online shopping is only possible thanks to the AI ​​behind this project. Online shopping algorithms are a dime a dozen today, but Pinterest’s fascinating project could extend the idea to the real world. Prediction is also going to play a bigger role than ever since from Etsy to Amazon itself, all sellers use AI to suggest the perfect product to customers and make sure directly with the warehouse that that product is available.


As ridiculous as its name is, “  Pay With Your Face  ” Technology could be a tremendous time-saver. The development of facial recognition algorithms will soon be fast and cheap enough to support millions of daily transactions. And machine learning can teach a computer to recognize more than just faces. Wells Fargo and others are considering securing some financial transactions through user voice analysis.

Running a business

If management is all about identifying and assigning talent, then AI may well be able to do it. But some, like Nell Watson of the Singularity University, think tank, think on the contrary that the emergence of AI would make people so able to organize themselves that their managers would become less important.

Analyze the policy

At present, artificial intelligence is working to discern what is going on in the mind of a president and to intelligently aggregate his many blunders into a cohesive news feed. With the public rebellion against biased news, it might be easy to slip into (what would appear to be) a less biased alternative. As always, the Japanese are way ahead on the subject of artificial journalists.

Get organized

The artificial intelligence like artificial intelligence course in Bangalore always has a minimum tried to help their users to organize their various appointments. But it is only recently with the arrival of more advanced artificial intelligence that these have succeeded in doing more than simply reminding the user of past appointments. Now, and even more shortly, AI can read and understand your conversations and remove the necessary information to organize your agenda. If someone tells you that you should see each other next Tuesday after the show you’re going to together, machine learning algorithms can analyze these references to understand their meaning and suggest a meeting point for you on time. you expected.

 Do homework

Not that long ago, artificial intelligence did as well as humans on a math test. This means that she has read and understood the questions on her own, even the diagrams, showing that the AI ​​is not only starting to be able to solve problems but also to define them. The most basic have already made their way to our app stores. In the schools of the future, it will no longer make sense to give this type of homework.

Establish a sports strategy

Team sports strategies are too complicated for artificial intelligence: it has always been a commonly shared idea. But now, even taking into account the nearly endless number of variations in human behavior and its ingenuity on the pitch or track, it looks like artificial intelligence may soon be developing whole new strategies, even for the world’s most studied sports. , like football. This has been analyzed and dissected down to its very essence by a machine learning algorithm. And according to the inventor of the latter, it could very well apply to other sports such as basketball or hockey. Several teams have already taken note.

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